The duties of our General Directorate, placed in the service departments as specified in the Decree Law no.: 644, Article: 6, amended by the Decree Law no.: 648 concerning the organization and duties of the Ministry of Environment Urbanization, have been re-constructed pursuant to the 19th Article of the Law on the Transformation of Disaster-Prone Areas”. Accordingly, The duties of Our General Directorate, named as Directorate General for Infrastructure and Urban Transformation Services”, are as follows:
- To identify the procedures and principles concerning the planning, projecting and implementing of the general planning, programming, feasibility, projecting, operating, finance needs and investment priorities concerning the infrastructure needs of the local authorities in accordance with the environmental and zoning plans, along with the procedures and principles with regards to survey, project, building license and usage permits accordingly.
- To ensure the cooperation and coordination between local administrations regarding the establishment of technical infrastructure facilities and infrastructure unions, as well as providing guidance services and keeping an inventory of technical infrastructure facilities.
- To make or get the service on the projects of all kinds of infrastructure, buildings such as multi-storey and bridge crossings related to the practices within the scope of subparagraph (ğ) of the first paragraph of the 2nd article; to make arrangements for the collection of infrastructure participation fees from the property owners in such areas.
- To determine practices concerning the slum areas not classified as forests and pastures due to the deterioration of their qualifications oriented at the improvement, renewal and transformation of the same, and also the legislation on the transformation of disaster-prone areas; to determine the procedures and principles pursuant to the Law No. 775 on the determination, announcement, program and priority order of reclamation, liquidation, transformation and improvement areas.
- To determine the transformation, renewal and transfer areas; determination of the structures in the areas declared to be transformation areas; to ensure the land, field arrangement and valuation works & procedures to be carried out properly; to carry out such duties as determining the ownership in transformation practices, conciliation, urgent expropriation where deemed required, reserving to joint ownership, merging of the same, carrying out financial arrangements, performing the valuation on the properties located over the transformation areas; to come to agreement with the owners within the framework of the procedures and principles prescribed by the Ministry; to grant the building license and building usage permits when deemed required; to carry out the works and procedures with regards to allocation of property ownership, registration, transfer of the development right.
- To carry out the works and procedures concerning the transformation area announcements for the practices within the scope of the Municipality Law no.: 5393, Article: 73, dated as 03.07.2005.
To fulfill the similar duties assigned by the Minister.”